Meet our speakers

We've got some fantastic speakers lined-up for this webinar.

Rory Fidler

Vice President Cargo Technology, Menzies Aviation

Oana Jinga

Chief Commercial Officer & Co-founder, Dexory
Dexory_Leveraging AI and real-time data to improve warehouse operations at Menzies Aviation

How Menzies Aviation operations have been transformed through AI and automation solutions

Menzies Aviation has seen results from the first weeks:

  • Efficient operations: Reduced errors by 70% - greater clarity on inbound and outbound.

  • Save valuable time: 30+ hours per week saved moving from manual to automated robotic perpetual checks.

  • Immediate financial benefit: Recover revenue from 40+ goods/day staying longer than needed in the warehouse and reduced the number of UTL (unable to relocate) to zero.


Is the webinar free to attend?

Absolutely. Our webinars are completely free for anyone to attend. We derive our value from sharing our expertise with the broader industry.

I can't make the webinar at the scheduled time. Can I watch it later?

Yes, we will be recording the webinar and will send it to all registrants within 1-2 business days of the live event.

What time is the webinar? What time zone is 'GMT'?

'GMT' stands for Greenwich Mean Time. We are located in London, UK. We recommend that you use Time and Date to convert the time of the webinar to your local time zone.

How can I access the webinar?

When you register for one of our webinars, you will be sent a confirmation email via our webinar platform as well as a reminder email one day and one hour before the event with a link to join.

How can I contact you?

You can contact us by email at, a member of our team will be in touch shortly.


This company has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 849938