Meet our speakers

We've got some fantastic speakers lined-up for this webinar.

Oana Jinga

CC&PO and Co-founder of Dexory

Todd Boone

Head, North America at Dexory
Dexory_5 reasons why warehouses need digital transformation

Visibility, but to what end?

Achieve unparalleled efficiency, cost reduction, and operational resilience with accurate, real-time visibility of your inventory is what every logistics company want. But what does it look like in your everyday operations?

Fulfilment of your orders on time, maximising resource utilisation: space, people, machinery, inventory... It's what organisations can achieve by getting end-to-end visibility in their operations.

The warehouse of tomorrow is a dynamic hub of innovation, and in this webinar, you’ll witness the strategies that make it possible.


The Visibility Gap is real and it impacts your operations everyday

$2T is the negative impact on companies due to inventory distortion.

Only 6% of logistics companies report full visibility over their operations.

2/3 of global business leaders emphasise the need for increased visibility in order to maintain operational stability.


Is the webinar free to playback?

Absolutely. Our webinars are completely free for anyone to attend and playback. We derive our value from sharing our expertise with the broader industry.

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How can I contact you?

You can contact us by email at, a member of our team will be in touch shortly.


This company has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 849938