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Robotics and Automation: A solution to cracks in the supply chain

The logistics, warehouse and eCommerce markets have experienced unprecedented growth over the last few years, in response to the pandemic, and the industry’s growing need for efficient warehousing, inventory management and real-time data.

This has magnified existing cracks in the supply chain and created new ones and escalated a need for a review of the industry’s resources, structure and processes, looking for efficiencies as it resists buckling and adapts to changing dynamics.

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Technology at the heart of warehouse management

Some new technologies bring immense benefits to the whole supply chain. For instance, they can lead to an in-depth understanding of asset movements and so allow organisations to quickly discover bottlenecks and receive alerts for potential risks, enabling them to assess both cash to serve and cost to serve

Also, forecasting becomes more and more accurate, and provides a better handle on supply chain dynamics and behaviours as well as transportation schedules

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This company has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement number 849938